Copyright ECOMMIT 2023

Privacy Policy

  1. 1. Basic Policy

    ECOMMIT (hereina9er referred to as "the Company") will comply with the Act on the ProtecCon of Personal InformaCon, guidelines regarding the protecCon of personal informaCon, and other relevant laws and regulaCons regarding the protecCon of personal informaCon in handling personal informaCon obtained by the Company.

    ECOMMIT Co., Ltd. Teruyuki KAWANO, RepresentaCve Director & CEO

  2. 2. Scope of ApplicaCon

    The Privacy Policy describes the policies the Company follows when handling customer’s personal informaCon or similar informaCon in the services it provides.

  3. 3. DefiniCon of the Personal InformaCon

    In the Privacy Policy, personal informaCon refers to the informaCon relaCng to a living individual, and it falls under any of the following categories.

    InformaCon that can idenCfy a specific individual by name, date of birth, or other descripCon, etc. (including informaCon that can be easily cross-referenced with other informaCon and thereby idenCfy a specific individual) contained in the informaCon. InformaCon that contains idenCfier of a specific individual.

  4. 4. CollecCon of the Personal InformaCon

    The Company collects personal informaCon by using the following methods.

    1. Personal informaCon directly received from a customer
    2. Personal informaCon obtained when a customer uses the service of the Company
    3. Personal informaCon of the user indirectly provided from a third party
    4. Personal informaCon obtained from publicly available media including publicaCons and the Internet
    5. Personal informaCon obtained through technological informaCon including log, Cookie, etc. collected while a user uses the service of the Company
  5. 5. Management of Personal InformaCon

    Personal informaCon collected is strictly managed by the Company, and the Company takes necessary and appropriate control measures to prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal informaCon in its possession, and makes every effort to improve such measures.

  6. 6. Purposes of the Use of Personal InformaCon

    The Company will not use personal informaCon obtained beyond the scope necessary to achieve the purposes of the use specified below except the cases sCpulated by law or with the consent of the individual concerned.

    1. InformaCon about customers
      - ExecuCon of contracts for products and services, and post-contract maintenance and support
      - Announcement about products, services and campaigns
      - Response to the inquiries and requests for advice
      - Product development, quesConnaire survey, and execuCon of monitoring survey
      - CommunicaCon concerning business meeCngs and briefings
    2. InformaCon about clients
      - ExecuCon of contracts
      - CommunicaCon concerning business meeCngs and briefings
    3. InformaCon about employees, job applicants, reCrees and their family members
      - Business communicaCon, business management, and facility management
      - Personnel management, including recruiCng and assignment decisions and its noCficaCon and a^endance management, etc.
      - Sending recruitment noCces and recruiCng acCviCes
      - Payroll, bonus, and employee benefits
      - Health management
      - AdministraCve work on tax and social security
  7. 7. InformaCon Provision to a Third Party

    The Company will not provide personal informaCon to a third party without obtaining the prior consent of the individual, except in the following cases or as otherwise sCpulated in the Privacy Policy.

    1. Where requested by laws and regulaCons
    2. Where the provision is required for protecCng human life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain an approval of the individual him/herself
    3. Where it is especially necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the approval of the individual him/herself
    4. Where it is necessary to help any naConal organizaCon, a local government, or a contractor perform the administraCve work prescribed in laws and regulaCons and the approval of the individual him/herself could disturb the performance of the administraCve work
  8. 8. Outsourcing

    The Company may outsource all or part of its personal informaCon handling operaCons to an external business operator (hereina9er referred to as "subcontractor"). In the event that the Company provides personal informaCon to a subcontractor, the Company carefully selects subcontractors that have a control system in place to appropriately protect personal informaCon, and concludes a contract with the subcontractor that includes clauses regarding confidenCality and other management and supervision of personal informaCon. A9er concluding the contract, the Company requires the subcontractor to protect personal informaCon and it supervises the subcontractor as necessary to ensure that the subcontractor handles personal informaCon appropriately.

  9. 9. InformaCon Provision to a Third Party in a Foreign Country

    Notwithstanding any other provision of the Privacy Policy regarding the provision of personal informaCon to a third party, the Company will obtain the consent of the individual to provide personal informaCon to a third party in a foreign country, except in the following cases.

    1. Where a foreign country is defined by the Rules of the Personal InformaCon ProtecCon Commission as a foreign country that has a system for the protecCon of personal informaCon that is deemed to be at the same level as that of Japan in terms of protecCng the rights and interests of individuals
    2. Where the personal informaCon is provided to an enCty that has established a system that conforms to the standards sCpulated in the Rules of the Personal InformaCon ProtecCon Commission as necessary to conCnuously take measures equivalent to those required to be taken by business operators handling personal informaCon according to the provisions of this secCon
    3. Where requested under laws and regulaCons
    4. Where the provision is required for protecCng human life, body or property and it is difficult to obtain an approval of the individual him/herself
    5. Where it is especially necessary to improve public health or promote the sound growth of children and it is difficult to obtain the approval of the individual him/herself
    6. Where it is necessary to help any naConal organizaCon, a local government, or a contractor perform the administraCve work prescribed in laws and regulaCons and the approval of the user him/herself could disturb the performance of the administraCve work
  10. 10. Revision of the Privacy Policy

    The Company may revise the Privacy Policy without prior noCce to the users. In such cases, the Company shall noCfy users of the revision of the Privacy Policy by posCng the noCficaCon of the revision of the Privacy Policy on its website or by other means, and the Privacy Policy shall be revised when the Company begins to noCfy by any of such means.

  11. 11. Disclosure, CorrecCon, Suspension of Use, etc. of Personal InformaCon

    The individual or his/her proxy may request the disclosure, correcCon, addiCon or deleCon of content, suspension of use or eliminaCon, or suspension of provision of personal informaCon that idenCfies the individual, in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Company. In order to prevent unauthorized requests by spoofing, etc., the Company requests the submission of idenCficaCon documents at the Cme of the request.

  12. 12. Inquiry Contact

    If you have any quesCon about the Privacy Policy, please contact us at any of the following contact points.
    ECOMMIT Personal InformaCon Inquiry Contact
    2-30 Kandacho,
    Satsumasendai-shi, Kagoshima-ken 895-0052

  13. 13. Revision History

    Established on November 16, 2022